Non-discrimination Statement
The University of Evansville expects all members of its community to treat each other with respect and civility. Harassing behaviors directed towards any member of our community will not be tolerated. As part of its commitment to non-discrimination, the University specifically prohibits harassment based on any other characteristics set forth in its nondiscrimination statement as follows: including race, color, 性别, 性别 identity and expression, 性取向, 信仰或宗教, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, veteran status and all federally protected groups/classes. Any form of harassment undermines the mission of the University and negatively impacts the University community as a whole.
The University specifically prohibits harassment based on any other characteristics set forth in its nondiscrimination statement including race, color, 性别, 性别 identity and expression, 性取向, 信仰或宗教, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, veteran status and all federally protected groups/classes. 骚扰 based on any of these protected characteristics undermines the mission of the University and negatively impacts the University community as a whole. Prohibited harassment is conduct based on one of these characteristics when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or educational performance or of creating an intimidating, 充满敌意的, or offensive environment for work or learning. The University will not tolerate retaliatory behavior against any individual(s) who reports harassment.
Behaviors that could be considered harassment based on these characteristics include any patterns of conduct aimed at another because of a protected characteristic that would degrade, 痛苦, or humiliate a reasonable person, 如:
- Physical intimidation, assault, or vandalism.
- Exhibits of pictures or reading materials in print or electronic form containing negative information about a person’s protected class.
- Verbal abuse or degrading conversations regarding a person’s protected class.
- Name-calling, jokes, or negative comments about a person’s protected class.
Sexual harassment is a violation of Title IX and is addressed specifically in the Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct (students) and Policy Prohibiting Administrators, 教师, and Staff from Engaging in Sexual and other Unlawful 骚扰.
Gender Identity and Expression
The University of Evansville endorses and voluntarily complies with the Department of 教育’s May 13, 2016 Title IX Enforcement Directives with regards to student 性别 identity and expression.
Ridgway University Center, Office 261